Friday, January 16, 2015

We Made Butter!

Thank God it is Friday has been my phrase of choice today because this week has seemed extremely long for some reason.
That isn't to say that it was a terrible week, but I am mentally and physically exhausted. We started our second full week of homeschooling and this was in addition to work and opera rehearsals. 

Scarlett and I tried for a second time this week to make homemade butter during my lunch hour! 

We started off with the ingredients that included whipping cream and a mason jar. Scarlett poured the cream into the mason jar and we took turns shaking it. My oldest son Che' was off work today and helped a little as well, but the majority of the shaking was up to Scarlett and me. Okay, the majority of the shaking was up to me. :-)

After about ten minutes, I opened it up and all I saw was white froth. I kept thinking that perhaps it wasn't going to work again for some reason. After asking Che` to help out for a few minutes while I get a quick bite to eat, he began to notice something forming inside the jar. 

I opened it up, and we saw the ball of butter that has magically formed inside the jar! It may seem strange to some people, but I was really excited to see that our almost endless shaking had paid off. I think I might have even squealed a little! 

After that, I gave Scarlett a coffee filter and a container so that she could strain the buttermilk, which was used earlier tonight to make corn cakes as a side dish with our Cornish hens. The butter tastes wonderful and I even added a dash of salt for flavor. I decided not to add the salt during the shaking process just in case it didn't work again. The idea of salty whipped cream wasn't appealing to me. 
I plan on making butter again in the future! Maybe I can even try to make my own sour buttermilk next time. On second thought, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself!