Thursday, January 15, 2015

Homeschooling Week Two: Doubts

I can feel the thoughts of self-doubt creeping in since I don't feel that this week has been as productive as last week. 
The week started out well with Scarlett getting more than her required lessons completed on Monday. I had the day all planned out. We would make home-made butter on my lunch break to implement both Science and History. We had the ingredients including the whipping cream and the plastic Tupperware type container for the shaking. Instead of making butter, however, we accidentally made whipped cream due to the fact that the lid on the container wasn't airtight. It wasn't a total loss since I explained how the air was able to get in and that made the whipped cream. We also had fresh whipped cream for our hot chocolate!

This weekend I will be purchasing a mason jar and another container of whipping cream and we will try this again. I think I was more disappointed than Scarlett, because the idea of homemade butter and butter milk being used for cornbread was a nice thought. We will do it right next time. 

It is now Wednesday and I don't feel that we have been very productive since Monday. I am starting to over think the scheduling as well as the curriculum. I have read several posts and articles, and apparently that is something most families who decide to home school go through. 

I am trying not to doubt myself. Whenever I see a gleam in her eye as well as get verbal confirmation that she is enjoying Language Arts, it makes me happy. Reading is one of her main struggles, and as amazing as Scarlett is, she can also be very stubborn. This can sometimes present a challenge. With that being said, the fact that I can already tell that she is enjoying reading more than she used to is half the battle I suppose. Besides, we still have a few more days left this week. :-) 

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