Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Valentine's Fun!

Valentine's Day is one of those days that can leave people feeling several things including joy, love and even bitterness in some cases. 

Throughout the years I have felt all of these things when this holiday has come around. However, the past few years I have taken a much different approach. I basically decided that Valentine's Day does not have to be about having love with a romantic partner. One can show love in so many ways; to your children, your friends and family. 

My children know that they never get their gifts until February 15th. That's right, it has become a tradition that they get the 50 percent off chocolates
and toys. 
My daughter and I both love pink and red and all of the fun Valentine's Day themed merchandise. This made it easy finding a few fun activities to do during the month! We made pink chocolate chip and red velvet pancakes. 

We also made cherry floats with vanilla ice-cream and cherry 7-Up and put the floats in wine glasses so that she could feel "fancy." 

Next year we plan on doing one activity a day leading up to February 14th! What is really kind of a silly "holiday" has turned out to be a favorite for the two of us. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Always a Seahawks Fan!!

I will always be a Seattle Seahawks fan.

I have been a forever fan ever since I had the unique opportunity to cheer for them when my ex-husband was stationed at Ft. Lewis, WA. This was one of the best experiences of my life. Not only was I able to dance on an NFL football field, I had opportunities to sing and I made lasting friendships. This was one of those opportunities in life that I will be forever grateful for. 

Although tonight's loss at the Superbowl was a bit disheartening, I am happy that they made it to that point for the third time. 

Yes, I wanted them to win again, but even if they never win another game or make it to another Superbowl, they will still be the team that gave me a chance. They are team that hired me out of hundreds of women who auditioned, and that feeling alone is irreplaceable. 

To the Seahawks and Sea-Gals, great job tonight! It was a great game.