When the other first grade children had no problem learning addition and subtraction, I struggled. This problem continued well into long division, fractions, and Algebra in high school.
I'm scheduled to graduate Vol State May 2010, and while I got a fabulous A in History it took me two tries to get through Basic Math, and this is my second semester trying Elementary Algebra.
It is frustrating that you have to get at least a seventy five percent to pass the developmental classes. Personally I feel like if you have that much trouble with the subject in the first place, why make it harder?
When I have homework in Algebra, these are the days I depend on Scarlett's dad to take her for a couple of hours. Being the vibrant four year old she is, she isn't very happy when the attention is taken away from her due to "My Math Lab."
I believe that unless you are an engineer, computer programmer, or doctor, you don't need to know how to solve 8(8-y)/3=-y. I can't recall one time in my life of balancing my checkbook that a calculator didn't help me get the job done!
I just hope and pray that I can do well on the future tests so that I can pass this class, and move on!
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