Last Friday I stayed home in bed, but had to work a double Saturday. I had an audition Sunday, and did well considering that my voice wasn't to standard due to the scratchiness of the cold or whatever bug I have been fighting.
I hate being behind in my Journalism Technology class, especially since this is my major. I still have to get my sound and slide together which is thirty pictures and a song for a fabulous slide show to be posted on this blog and my website.
Although I feel like I am sometimes getting behind, I do however feel like I'm slowly but surely getting into a more organized routine. When you are doing a large majority of things on your own, organization and some sort of structure is inevitable to stay sane. I am finding this out the hard way.
For whatever reason, I have always been the type of person that has to learn for herself. Someone can tell me until I'm blue in the face the easier way to go about something, and I'm not sure if it is my stubborn nature or what, but I will do what "I" feel is best first nine times out of ten.
Luckily for me and my children, I am learning the more structured route is going to be better in the long run. Of course, veering a bit off the beaten path is sometimes good for the soul as long as you don't wind up in another galaxy entirely!